Wednesday, April 15, 2009

All The Secrets Revealed To The Most Harmful Goldfish Diseases

There is so much that people need to know about goldfish and perhaps the most important is the fact that they are perhaps one of the most disease prone creatures on the planet. Many people ask me why their fish keep dying within a matter of weeks or even days and I always tell them the same thing, you're not protecting them from certain diseases related to goldfish.

So what are all of the goldfish diseases known and how can we go about reducing the likelihood of your goldfish picking up one of these diseases? First of all I'm going to take you through the two most common goldfish diseases and give you information on how to best treat and more importantly prevent any of these diseases from affecting your fish.

Goldfish Disease One - Ichtyopthirius

More commonly known as Ick, this is the most common goldfish disease that has the potential to kill. Ick is a parasite that attaches to the goldfish body.

Causes: This happens when the undue stress is put on the goldfish due to bad water conditions, fluctuations in the temperature and an overall poor quality of maintenance.

Symptoms: Look for small white spots that look like salt grain on the goldfish's skin, fins and gills.

What happens: This parasite attached to the goldfish when it is stressed out due to bad conditions and feed off the body of the fish. The conditions worsen when the Ick begins to lay its eggs and reproduces at a very fast pace.

Treatment: If your goldfish is a victim of Ick, treat him or her with an anti-parasite medication. Also you might have to raise the water temperature to make this medication more effective. Ask an expert and follow instructions.

How can you prevent this goldfish disease: You can prevent Ick from growing by making sure that you maintain the tank well with the weekly changes and keep the water fresh and pollution-free.

Fin Rot

Another goldfish disease is fin rot, which is when you may notice pieces of your fish's fin rotting away over a certain period of time.

Causes: This is also a bacterial infection arising out of poor water conditions. Fin rot usually happens to a fish that is already suffering from something else like an injury caused by tank bites that bite. They are already weak and fall prey to this infection.

Symptom: Watch out for frayed, rotting, often pale pinky-white edged fins and blood streaks on the fin tissue. What happens: The already stressed goldfish is infected by this bacterial infection and the fins begin to rot away. Sometimes fungus attacks cause the condition to worsen.

Treatment: You will need to treat your Goldfish with fin rot or anti-bacteria treatment to stop the disease from spreading. Try adding salt to the tank to make up for the salt that the fish has lost. Make sure that the water is pollution-free.

How to prevent it: You can prevent fin rot by making sure that the water quality is of high quality and see that you maintain it. Also it would be wise to isolate the fish that are biting their tank mates.

Article Source:

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

10 Things You Can Do To Fight Bad Breath

Another quick test is floss and then smell whatever is dislodged. If it doesn't pass the sniff test, you may suffer from halitosis. Of course, you could always ask a close friend or family member that you trust to give you an honest answer. Whichever method you choose, if you think you may have halitosis, don't worry... here are some things you can do to help you come out smelling like a rose.

Avoid The Garlic. Many spicy foods like peppers, garlic and onions tend to live on through oils left in the mouth for up to twenty four hours after consuming. Brushing your teeth won't help, so avoid these food products if you have an important meeting or other face to face encounters planned in the immediate future.

Skip The Deli. Other food products which leave these long lasting oils behind are spicy meats like pepperoni, salami and pastrami so if you don't want others trying to guess what you had for lunch, you may want to pass on these meat products for at least twenty four hours before any close contact meetings.

Hold The Cheese. Certain cheeses are known as strong cheeses. A few of these include blue cheese, Roquefort and Camembert. They taste great but can leave your breath smelling less than sweet.

Hold The Anchovies. Do you like anchovies on your pizza? If so, it may be best to order your favorite pizza loaded with anchovies on a Friday night when you can safely hide out for a few days and not risk being trapped in the elevator with your boss or top client. Another fishy food product would be Tuna so having your Tuna Melt on a Saturday should give your breath enough time to recover before the big meeting on Monday.

Drink Plenty of Water. Water is clean and non-residual unlike beverages such as whiskey, wine, beer or coffee which tend to linger by attaching to plaque releasing little bits of itself into the air when you breath.

Brush Your Teeth. Let me say it again, brush your teeth and in case it hasn't sank in yet, brush your teeth. Brushing your teeth after meals is the most effective method of eliminating smelly breath. You've heard of plaque but just in case you aren't sure exactly what this is, let me clarify. Plague is the film that coats your gums and teeth consisting of dead and living bacteria, up to fifty trillion of them. These micro-organisms absorb odors from the foods you eat as well as their own unpleasant odors. When you exhale, some of this bacteria leaves your mouth as well carrying these odors with them.

Rinse When You Can't Brush. Brushing is best but sometimes you just don't have the time. If you can at least rinse with water, this will help remove many of the food particles that can cause bad breath, not only now but later.

Three Squares A Day. Skipping meals can be bad for your breath. Your mouth provides a moist, warm environment for bacteria to grow and consuming food and beverages is part of the natural cleansing process. Don't forget to brush afterwards or at least rinse.

Quick Temporary Fix. Ok, you've ignored everything above. You had a large anchovy pizza last night with a side helping of wings with blue cheese dressing, an omelet this morning covered in onions and an Italian lunch with extra garlic and now your boss has just called you into his tiny office to discuss your new promotion. As long as you can talk fast, you may just get by with a good gargle of some minty fresh mouthwash. If he gets caught on a lengthy phone call while you're there, you may be doomed but as long as you can get in and get out within 20 minutes you may still get the raise. You can always carry a coffee cup with an emergency dose of mouthwash just in case the meeting runs long but that's up to you.

Author : Brent Parker

About Yeast Infection and Candidiasis - Prevention and Treatments

Yeast infection is the colonization of yeast fungi in body areas in such an amount and such a way that damages or symptoms are produced. Usually the yeast invades only body cavities and the lining of these cavities, but can in serious cases grow into deeper tissue layers.

Yeasts very often infect the vagina and outer female genitals. Yeast infection also often occurs in the mouth, and is then called trash. The male genitals may be infected, but usually with fewer symptoms. There can also be an infective over-growth of yeast in the digestive tract, skin areas and the nose. Small children often get yeast infection in the diapered area, and this is commonly called diaper rash. Diaper rash can also be caused by irritation from urine or stool, from food allergy, from allergy against washing media, or from a combination of several factors.

Sometimes yeast infect several body areas at the same time, such a systemic infection is often called candidiatis. A systemic yeast infection can develop into a serious condition where the yeast invades deeper layers of the skin, the deeper tissues of several organs and even the blood stream.

Systemic yeast infection usually occurs in patients with bad immune defense, like HIV patients, diabetics or patients weakened by cytostatic or steroid medication.


Usually species of the genus Candida, and especially the species Candida albicans, are the infective agents. These yeasts are normally found in the body, but the amount is held down by the normal body chemistry by friendly bacteria inhabiting the skin and body cavities, for example bacteria producing lactic acid (the genus Lactobacillus). When the yeast become infectious, it often changes from a round cellular form to a thread-like or branched form that can grow into tissues.

A disturbed bacterial flora in the skin and body cavities can make it easier for the yeast to grow excessively and infect. The skin, the outer genitals and body cavities like the mouth, vagina, and the colon contain the bacterium types Bifidobacteria and Lactobacteria together with the Candida yeasts, but these bacteria hold the growth of the yeast in check.

Use of antibiotics can kill these friendly bacteria and make it easier for the yeast to grow. A too eager use of antibiotics in children can cause a chronic overgrowth of yeasts in the body that will affect the health negatively long into adulthood.

Use of corticosteriods can also make a person susceptible for yeast infection. Asthma patients using inhaled coricosteroids often get yeast infection in the oral cavity.

A too eager hygiene, using bacterial killers, can kill friendly bacteria and cause a yeast infection to occur. However, lack of washing can also cause yeast infection.

If skin areas are constantly held wet or sweaty, Candida infections can easily occur, for example in diapered areas of small children or feet covered by tight shoes during long walks.

A diet with an excess of sugar and other carbohydrates may nourish the yeast and cause an infective growth of the yeast.

Mental and physical stress can decrease the effect of the immune defense against yeasts and make a person more susceptible for yeast infection.


Yeast infection in the female genitals gives itching or burning sensations in the vagina and genital lips, red rashes in the external female genitals and a whitish badly smelling discharge. The discharge may also be the only symptom.

In the male genitals yeast infection often gives itching sores around the base of the penis head. There may also be a smelling whitish fluid substance present that is different in consistence from the white smegma normally produced by glands in the same area. Red rashes with scaling can be present on the outer genitals and especially on the underside of the penis.

In the mouth, yeast infection gives sores covered with a whitish layer that give an itching or burning pain, so called trash. There can also be white or yellow layers on the tongue without any sores underneath or other symptoms. One often sees cracks at the corner of the mouth.

Yeast infection in skin areas will give symptoms like rashes, itching, sore areas oozing fluid and blisters. The symptom will most often be seen in areas like the under-side of the shoulders, the inner side of the elbow, skin folds, in the pelvic region and other areas that are somewhat hidden.

Yeast infection in the digestive tract can give symptoms in the whole digestive tract from the esophagus to the anus. Symptoms that can occur are problems and pain during swallowing, breast pain, bloating, cramping, excessive gas production, diarrhoea, itching and sores in the rectal opening and lactose intolerance.

An overgrowth of yeast in the digestive tract or a generalized yeast infection produces substances that can poison the whole body, and give symptoms also from body parts that are not directly infected, like: rashes, hives, and itching in the skin, allergic reactions in many body parts, fatigue or lethargy, muscle weakness, bone pain and nervous symptoms.


Yeast infection is often diagnosed by a specimen from the affected area. The specimen is then cultured to investigate the microbial flora. Often bacterial infections give the same symptoms as yeast infection, especially from the vaginal area, and the specimen will also distinguish between yeast infection and bacterial infection.


Yeast infection is commonly treated locally at the infected area with anti-fugal substances like clotrimazole (canesten), nystatin, fluconazole, ketoconazole, tioconazole (GyneCure), terconazole (Terazole), Monazole, miconazole (Monistat, Micozole), butoconazole (Femstat) and gentiana violet.

By vaginal infection tablets, creams or suppositories containing one or more of these substances are usually inserted into the vagina. Men having genital yeast infection or sexual partners of women with infection can be treated with local cream based on the same substances.

Some of the drugs, like fluconazole, are also used orally as a systemic medication.

For more severe infections the substances amphotericin B, caspofungin, or voriconazole is often used.

By localized infection, for example in the vagina, the pharmacological products usually take away the infection very effectively.

These products do not however take away the susceptibility for new infections, and can be less effective when the infection is spread in a more diffuse manner.

Lifestyle measures and natural supplements can be useful to reduce the susceptibility for yeast infection and to help cure yeast infection that is difficult to take away only with standard treatment.


- Garlic helps to kill yeast, and can be used as an oral remedy for yeast infection.

- Flushing with a boric acid solution can help to kill yeast and rinse body cavities. Suppositories containing boric acid can also be used to kill yeast in the vagina or anus.

- Diluted tea tree oil may help for vaginal yeast infection by using it locally.

- The fatty acid caprylic acid can kill yeast, and a supplement of this acid may help against yeast infection.

- Propolis is an antibacterial substance made by bees. An oral supplement or local application of a propolis solution has shown to be useful against yeast infection.

- Cranberry juice helps against bacterial infection in the urinary tract and may also help for yeast infection by making the urine more acidic.

- Lactoferrin is a protein that can bind to iron and hold it away from pathogenic bacteria and yeast, and this will impair the growth of these organisms. The protein is naturally found in milk and in secretes in many parts of the body. It is a part of the natural defense against microbes.

- Products containing seeds for friendly bacteria (Lactobacteria and Bifidobacteria) can help reestablish a normal bacterial flora and be helpful against yeast infection. The friendly bacteria hinder the growth of the pathogenic microorganisms. Such seeds are often called probiotics. There are probiotic products for both oral and local use.

-Yoghourt contains seeds for friendly bacteria. Consuming yoghourt can help to normalize the microbial flora in the digestive tract and in the genital zone. Yoghourt may also be used as a local remedy, for example in the vagina.


Many lifestyle measures can be used to prevent the outbreak of yeast infection and help to cure chronic yeast infection.

- One should avoid over-consuming carbohydrates, and avoid consuming carbohydrates that are rapidly taken up or utilized, like pure sugar, refined floor and bread made from refined floor. Instead use of full corn products, beans and peas that contain carbohydrates that are utilized gradually is recommended.

- One should wash or bath daily the whole body, including the genital area, with a mild soap or with pure water.

- One should not use anti-bacterial agents when one washes the skin, the genitals, the rectal opening or by mouth hygiene. For intimate wash, pure water is best.

- Unnecessary antibiotic cures or steroid medication should be avoided.

- Stressful elements and habits in the daily life should be avoided. Meditation is a good method to stress down.

- Clothes and shoes should give ventilation so that humidity does not aggregate at skin surfaces or in skin folds. Humid areas on the skin should be washed and dried regularly when it is not possible to avoid humidity.

Author : Knut Holt

What Makes Hemorrhoids Itch?

Both internal and external hemorrhoids can cause serious itching and burning in the anal area, but why this should be remains a mystery to many people.

External hemorrhoids are a bit easier to answer, after all they're quite near a sensitive band of nerves, but how do hemorrhoids that are inside the body cause itching and burning on the outside? Hemorrhoids as a whole cause these symptoms both directly, due to their very existence and behaviour, and indirectly through other biological reactions.

Hemorrhoids cause itching and burning directly when they become inflamed.

When inflammation occurs anywhere in the body, the blood vessels swell up, lymph fluid fills and swells intercellular spaces, pain nerves fire, and immune cells launch at the area in question trying to solve the problem. If tissue is irritated too much by just about anything, from abrasion to bacterial attack, inflammation is usually the body's first line of defense.

In addition to creating a hostile environment for a bacterial or viral invader, it serves to alert the brain that something is wrong and damage has occured.

While this is a good thing for our continued survival because we wouldn't live very long if we didn't know when we'd hurt ourselves, inflammation can easily be too much of a good thing. Once you know that an area of the body needs attention, it would be nice if you could turn the pain off. Fortunately, medications exist that allow you to do just that.

For a problem with an external hemorrhoid, many of the hemorrhoidal creams on the market today contain a topical anesthetic that will block pain within minutes. If it's an internal hemorrhoid causing the problem, ibuprofen tablets or capsules are the best because ibuprofen serves as both a painkiller and an anti-inflammatory.

Multiple indirect causes of itching due to hemorrhoids also exist.

Internal hemorrhoids can irritate the mucus membrane lining the anal canal into producing excess mucus in order to lubricate the area. This mucus escapes the anal sphincter, gets onto the skin surrounding it on the outside, and dries there. This both dries out and irritates the area.

In addition, the demand that an inflamed internal hemorrhoid puts upon the surrounding blood vessels can cause feelings of itching and burning as more blood moves faster, causing minute swelling throughout the entire area.

Finally, a sufficiently large internal hemorrhoid can cause extremely low-grade fecal incontinence, which of course causes itching and burning both from the fecal matter drying on external skin and the possible rash and infection that fecal incontinence can bring.

External hemorrhoids indirectly cause itching and burning through different means.

Of course, when an external hemorrhoid gets inflamed it hurts, itches, and burns directly.

However, if we give in to the urge to scratch or scrub, we upset the delicate balance of the skin surrounding the anal sphincter. There are several oil producing glands within that skin that normally serve to clean and lubricate the area. If we, through scratching, scrubbing, or applying harsh chemicals strip away those natural oils, itching is pretty much a foregone conclusion. In addition, by stripping those oils away we open ourselves to surface infections, which only makes the problem worse and sets up a vicious cycle.

The best solutions to itching and burning around the anal area are to take frequent sitz-baths in warm, plain water, use a soothing cream containing cocoa butter or a similar moisturizer, pat the area gently with either a medicated pad or plain, soft moistened toilet paper, and wear loose fitting cotton underwear. Loose cotton underwear will serve to wick excessive mucus or incontinence away from delicate skin without rubbing or scratching.

In addition, avoid harsh cleansers, soaps, or chemicals of any kind. Only use medicated pads and creams specifically formulated for this area of the body.

While you can't use external hemorrhoid creams inside the body, if an internal hemorrhoid is causing external irritation, one of the external hemorrhoid creams that has combines a moisturizer with a topical anesthetic may provide relief from the external itching and burning.

If hemorrhoid symptoms do not get better within a week, or if you can't manage to control them enough to proceed with a fairly normal day, you may need to see a doctor.

That being said, there is no reason to suffer horrendous symptoms that interfere with your daily activities due to hemorrhoids. By getting a sound education on hemorrhoidal cause and effect and applying that knowledge together with common sense, you can get on with life.

Author : Donald writes

The MRSA Virus is Very Dangerous and Spreading

You may have heard or read some brief news reports about the very dangerous mrsa virus but have little knowledge about what it actually is. The term mrsa stands for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureu and it is in fact a more dangerous form of the common staph infection. The problem is that the mrsa virus is not effectively treated by penicillin or other antibiotics like the traditional staph infections are. This is why the virus can often be fatal if contracted and particularly if it is not properly diagnosed.

The first reported cases of the mrsa virus were in hospitals and were blamed on unsterile conditions or instruments. However, the virus has continued to mutate and has now expanded into one that has become common in other locations. It is also proving to be highly contagious and is spreading in places like high school locker rooms and other locations that are not kept sterile and that a large number of people use. This has caused many schools, including elementary schools to initiate aggressive programs to sterilize their facilities and keep them as clean as possible.

You are still more likely to get the mrsa virus in a hospital than any other location. It often occurs in post surgery wounds and that is a situation where the most fatalities occur. A person who has gone through major surgery is already in a weakened state and his or her immune system is not capable of effectively combating the mrsa virus, even with the help of antibiotics. Numerous parts of the body can be infected including the eyes and skin and the virus can show up after a minor cut or burn. If you have such a wound you need to keep it clean and bandaged to avoid contact with the virus.

The mrsa virus cant usually be effectively treated unless it is detected early. You should watch for symptoms like swelling or redness of the site of a wound or burn. This will usually be followed by fever, chills, and even nausea. If you begin experiencing any of these signs you should immediately see a doctor. Just taking some aspirin or putting an over the counter antibiotic cream on the site will not stop the spread of the infection. There must be much more aggressive action taken in order to have a chance of killing the virus and preventing it from reaching the stage where it can be fatal.

Author : Balva Rudick